Southern Pine Plantation Silviculture - course canceled
Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Sponsored By: Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Date: Jul 13, 2009 08:00 AM to Jul 14, 2009 12:15 AM
The number of silvicultural treatment combinations available to forest managers for Southern pine plantations has increased tremendously in the last 15 years. Managers now routinely make decisions on site preparation, genetic source of seedlings, seedling morphology, planting density, herbaceous weed control, hardwood control, prescribed burning, fertilization, thinning, and more. This course discusses each of these treatments and their effects on pine survival and growth individually and in combination with each other.
Click here to view the brochure for this course
Who Should Attend
- Foresters who make silvicultural decisions for clients with different objectives and who want to better understand the effect one decision has on other decisions will benefit from this course. The instructors will emphasize the interactions of different silvicultural decisions and their effects on the final results for yields, products, and values.
- Landowners who want to understand why foresters prescribe different silvicultural methods for their lands should attend.
- Realtors involved in, and interested in, the buying and selling of forest products, timber, and timberland are invited to attend.
- Understand the expected responses of different treatments and the interaction with other treatments that can affect expected responses for multiple treatments.
- Learn how different silvicultural decisions throughout stand establishment can lead to stands with very different expected yields with different risk characteristics.
- Learn why the decisions made about planting stock will affect total yields and product distributions throughout the rotation.
- Learn when most Southern pine stands become deficient nutritionally, when stands are most susceptible to competing vegetation, and about the interaction of fertilizer and release treatments with each other and other silvicultural treatments.
- Learn how silvicultural treatments affect thinning timing, intensity, and frequency and the development of different mixes of treatments.
Lodging & Location
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Four Points by Sheraton in Fort Walton, Florida for the nights of July 12 - July 13, 2009. Please contact the hotel directly to make a lodging reservation. Please be sure to mention you are attending the Southern Pine Plantation Silviculturecourse in order to receive the discounted $175 group
Four Points by Sheraton
1325 Miracle Strip Pkwy, Highway 98 East
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548
1-800-325-3535 or 1-850-243-8116
If you have any questions please contact James T. Johnson at 706-308-6396 or