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Continuing Education at the Warnell School

Pine Straw Production - Stand Management and Economics - Tifton

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Time Event
8:00 AM Registration
8:30 Introduction
Pine Straw Revenues vs. Stumpage
Factors Affecting Pine Straw Yields
9:30 Cut-Over and Old-Field Pine Straw Studies (Loblolly, Longleaf, and Slash Pine)
10:15 Break
10:30 Magnitude and Duration of Fertilization
Benefits — Case Studies; Fertilization Payoffs;
Weed Re-growth with Fertilization
11:20 Using Diagnostic Tools (Leaf Area Index Estimations, Soil, and Foliar Sampling), Soils, and Yield Information for Determining Effective Recommendations
Noon Lunch
1:00 Forest Floor Nutrient Release Rates
1:30 Raking Regimes (Semi-annual, Annual, Periodic) and Pine Straw Production, Stand Growth, and Soil Moisture
2:15 Break
2:30 The added stress of intensive pine straw raking—impact on pine mortality and susceptibility to beetle outbreaks
3:15 Herbicides and Herbicide Use
3:45 Identification and Control of Invasive Exotic Species
4:30 Forest Management Alternatives for Moving a Cut-Over Pine Stand into Pine Straw Production
5:15 Adjourn

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Time Event
8:15 a.m.  Sequencing Fertilization and Herbicide Use to Reduce Overall Costs
8:45 Economics of Pine Straw at Various Returns per Acre in Overall Pine Stand Management -Case study reviews – old-field and cut-over sites
10:15 Break – depart for study area visit in Tift County
10:45 Travel to a thinned old-field longleaf stand (planted in December 1986) where pine straw production was a management objective prior to thinning.
11:00 Old-field longleaf pine stand discussion points: pine straw management, stand management pre- and post-thin, prescribe fire use, planting spacing, thinning, % defect, longleaf growth rate through age 32-yrs, growing poles, herbicide use, fertilization, and economics.
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Continue with above discussion points while in the field.
3:00 Adjourn





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