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Continuing Education at the Warnell School

Managing Existing Pine Stands for Investment Returns

The Classic Center, Athens, GA

Date: Apr 14, 2009 07:45 AM to Apr 15, 2009 12:15 PM

Foresters, realtors, and landowners managing existing pine stands must make decisions every year that impact their investment returns for those stands. In most cases they must decide whether or not to spend money on a particular treatment based on their markets and on the expected response to the treatment.


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This course is intended to focus on those decisions and on how to estimate the expected responses, costs, and markets, and therefore the expected returns, so decisions made will be good ones. The course will also evaluate the trade-offs that invariably result from trying to simultaneously manage pine stands for investment returns from traditional products and from other sources of income such as pine straw, wildlife leases, and carbon credits.

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If you have any questions please contact James T. Johnson at 706-308-6396 or

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