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Continuing Education at the Warnell School

Deer Management and Forestry BMPs - White Plains

In-person at White Plains Schoolhouse, 7410 Hwy 15 South, White Plains, GA 30678

Date: 11/15/2022 from 12:30 pm to 05:00 pm


Click here to view the brochure for this course


Forestry professionals and landowners (private and industrial) in the Southeast are increasingly interested in managing forestland to enhance habitats for whitetail deer. This virtual short course aims to provide technical information on specific techniques, including forestry best management practices (BMPs), used to enhance and preserve wildlife habitat on forested land. Topics will include forestry BMPs and white-tailed deer ecology and management.

Who Will Benefit?
Private and state foresters, loggers, members of forestry associations, forestry professionals (consultants and managers), forest landowners interested in wildlife management on their lands, and wildlife biologists.

Dr. James Johnson is an Outreach Program Specialist with the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. He is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and his research while at the Warnell School focused on developing a survey method for monitoring white-tailed deer populations using trail cameras. James has spent most of his life on his family’s farm in North Georgia engaging in numerous land management activities and has been a member and advocate of the hunting community for over 20 years.

Scott Thackston is a Staff Forester and the Water Quality Program Coordinator with the Georgia Forestry Commission.  Scott is an avid outdoorsman with decades of experience living, working, and hunting in the Southeast.

Registration Fee
The fee for this 4-hour course is $100.00, which includes instructional materials.

In the event that you need to cancel, in order to receive a refund please contact James Johnson (706-308-6396 or by November 01, 2022.

Continuing Education Credits

· 4.0 Cat.1 Continuing Forestry Ed. (CFE) hours – (applied for)

· 1.0 Cat A; 3.0 Cat B  Continuing Logger Ed. (CLE) hours – (applied for)

Course Instructor(s)

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If you have any questions please contact James T. Johnson at 706-308-6396 or

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